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Top 5 Reasons Why Your Law Firm Is Hiding Online


The web is one of the first places many people go when they have legal issues. With a quick search on Google, they can find more information about their legal dilemma and a listing of local attorneys just waiting to handle their problem.

If you’re not one of the attorneys or law firms coming up in the search results, you’re missing out on thousands of potential clients. The web is a great resource for those seeking legal help, but it can also be a great tool for your firm to get in front of potential clients.

Here are a few potential reasons your firm’s name isn’t popping up at the top of the search engine results.

1) You’re Not Targeting the Correct Keywords

Keywords are the specific phrases people use to perform a search on Google. These are typically phrases like, “DUI attorney in New York City.” You may have some issues being found in the search results if you’re not doing your keyword research and using your findings to guide your content.

The key to targeting the right keywords is all in the research. You need to envision your ideal clients and then think of what types of problems or questions they may have. If your firm mostly handles DUI charges, you’ll want to start your research on words and phrases someone recently charged with a DUI might use in a Google search.

You can use the Google Keyword Planner Tool to view the analytics of certain keywords and phrases that you think of. The keyword tool will also suggest related keywords, which will help you build your keyword list.

These targeted keywords will be the basis of your content strategy. You’ll use them to write informative articles that help answer the questions that they’re related to.

2) You’re Not Posting Regularly

Getting your firm’s site in the top of the search engine results is a commitment. Part of this commitment includes posting on a consistent basis. Stagnant blogs with no posts in several months don’t display the level of authority and expertise you’re looking for.

A good target to aim for is one post per week. To gather a decent following and establish yourself as a leader in the legal field, you’ll need to post as often as possible without going overboard. As readers come to know you as a consistent source of legal information, your shares and readership will increase.

One great way to produce quality content is to create a schedule for posting and commit to it. You can create multiple articles at once and then schedule them to be posted later

3) You’re Not Using Social Media

You should use your social accounts to amplify content on your page. Post the links to your articles and other content across all social media channels. Not only will this make your content visible to followers on your social media that may not visit your page regularly, it will also increase the odds of your articles being shared.

4) You’re Posting Thin Content

Posting high-quality, relevant content is a surefire way to steadily push your site up the search results pages and establish your firm as a legal authority. Churning out the same old information spun in various boring ways will do just the opposite.

Thin content is the exact opposite of high-quality content. Whereas quality content is original and provides valuable information to users, thin content doesn’t offer any useful or actionable information for readers.

Users that take to a search engine to look for legal answers need very specific and often technical information. Thin content is not very good at delivering this type of information. Focus on thoroughly delivering quality information, and you’ll see a slow but steady rise in your site’s search positioning.

5) You’re Not Using Internal Links

When it comes to SEO, so many site owners and managers think about external links and their benefits. Although external links are great ways to boost SEO for your firm’s site, don’t neglect the power of internal links.

If you’re posting regularly, you should have a healthy amount of content on your site. Linking back to relevant posts from the past is a great way to give context to current posts, highlight old content readers may find valuable, and boost SEO.

With so many people searching for answers to legal issues online, your firm can’t afford to have its site sit at the bottom of the results pages. Focusing on these above problems and making a commitment to fixing them will help right the ship and improve your chances of moving up in the rankings.

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BoostOne December 4, 2017 0 Comments

3 SEO Tricks E-Commerce Sites Often Overlook


The world of e-commerce is highly competitive. Thousands of niche product sites vie for the clicks of shoppers across the world. In a space where so many competitors jostle for elbowroom at the same table, every edge your site can garner will go a long way.

Most site managers do their fair share of due diligence when it comes to site SEO (search engine optimization). They ensure that a base level of SEO tactics is applied to their e-commerce page. Yet with so much at stake, there are simple things site owners and managers can do to give their site the extra boost it needs to land at the top of the SERPs.

Optimizing e-commerce sites for SEO is different from blogs or company websites. The hundreds or thousands of product pages can create mayhem for SEO game plans. For e-commerce sites, the base level of search optimization doesn’t guarantee traffic. Below are a few strategies many sites often overlook that can give your web store an extra edge.

Ensure Proper Keyword Placement

The placement of your keywords always trumps the frequency. If you stuff too many keywords into your page, you risk being penalized by search engine algorithms. Turn your focus toward ensuring your keywords are in the right location instead.

Google places priority on the beginning of title tags, so this is where you’ll want your targeted keywords. Be sure to include the keyword in the meta description, as well. This will ensure that Google doesn’t choose random content from your page and use it as your description. It’s true that the meta description itself doesn’t affect your ranking, but it’s insanely important when it comes to click-through rates, so don’t neglect it.

URLs, headers, and subheaders rank second behind your page’s metadata. Be sure to include your keywords in these locations as it makes sense to do so. Also, place your keywords throughout the body of the content in a way that reads naturally.

Give Images Context with Alt Text

Many e-commerce sites miss the chance to capitalize on solid image alternative text, or alt text. Alt text is simply descriptive text applied to the images on your site. This text lets the Google web crawlers read your image and give context in relation to the content surrounding it.

Properly written alt text can give your site a leg up on the competition by taking advantage of the popularity of Google’s image search.

This is especially important for e-commerce sites considering the large number of photos included in a typical web store. It’s important that you take the time to add quality alt text to each of your product images. While this is a large undertaking, you’ll definitely see the benefit when you edge out your competition in the SERPs.

Keep in mind, your efforts may be in vain if you don’t include quality alt text. Solid alt text gives a detailed description of the image. Avoid simply stating what the item is; instead, include brand names, item numbers, and other specific descriptions. Most web page crawlers only read about 125 characters of alt text, so keep it short. Take advantage of the alt text by including your keywords but avoid stuffing. You simply want to concentrate on providing context to the picture and incorporate your keyword if logical.

Avoid Duplicate Content

You may have heard that content is king when it comes to building out solid SEO. This is definitely true, but the saying only tackles part of the issue. Original content is truly king. You can have all the content in the world on your site, but if duplicates exist elsewhere on the web, your ranking will suffer drastically.

While you won’t be penalized directly for duplicate content on your page, you will create issues for the search engines when they attempt to index your URL. Duplicate content makes it difficult for the search engine crawlers to determine which URL is most relevant for given keywords.

This can be pretty common for e-commerce sites with vendor-provided product descriptions. Vendor-distributed product descriptions are often copied and pasted onto individual e-commerce stores, creating a vast amount of duplicate content across the web. You should aim to create as many unique product descriptions as possible. This is a big undertaking when you consider many e-commerce sites have hundreds, if not thousands, of products. You may have far too many products to write unique descriptions for each one, and that’s OK. The idea is to avoid page after page without any unique content. Aim to rewrite the majority of your descriptions, and you’ll be off to a good start.

It’s true that e-commerce SEO presents a different set of challenges compared with traditional sites or blogs. The massive amount of moving parts and content can make optimizing your web store extremely difficult. It may be tempting to lay out a basic SEO strategy and consider it good enough, but by taking a few extra steps, you can leverage tactics that many site managers often overlook. If you put in the effort, you’ll see your hard work result in increased traffic.

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BoostOne September 12, 2017 0 Comments

5 SEO Hacks to Drive Traffic to Your Clinic’s Site


Search engine optimization is crucial to the success of your website and, therefore, your clinic. The way patients find a doctor today has completely changed from 15 years ago. The majority of patients start their search for a doctor online. In fact, a reported 86 percent of patients conduct an online search before booking an appointment.

The simple truth is this: Your clinic’s online presence matters. You’re missing out if you’re not taking the steps to ensure your site has the best chance of being seen. SEO will get eyes on your site and patients into your clinic. The following SEO hacks will help you do just that. Full disclosure, these “hacks” are simply efficient ways to implement SEO and are in no way gray- or black-hat techniques.

Harness the Power of Video

If you had to guess the second-largest search engine in the world, what would your answer be? Bing? Yahoo? You’d be close, but wrong. YouTube receives over 3 billion searches per month. You should definitely be leveraging the platform to drive traffic to your site.

A clinic YouTube channel is a great way to supplement your site’s original content while also adding value to the user experience. The useful information you can give to potential patients is nearly unlimited. Not only will you deliver great informative content, you’ll have the chance to have your videos indexed on YouTube and within Google search results, which will drive traffic from two huge sources.

Combine JavaScript Tags

Various sites, like Google Analytics, Google+, and Twitter, request to install JavaScript code onto your site to power certain processes. While some of these functions have their usefulness, each one that you install pulls down your site speed. Slower speeds are horrible for SEO and cause your site to take hits with the search engine algorithms.

You can prevent loading time issues by using the free Tag Manager tool from Google. Instead of having your site deploy each snippet of code by itself, enter the code snippets into the tag generator. The tool will give you a uniform, site-wide tag that will deploy the individual JavaScript snippets. Your load times will drastically decrease compared to when your site had to fire each snippet off individually.

Utilize Social Media to Stay Ahead of the Curve

Be sure to monitor social media platforms and forums specific to the medical field. If you see a topic of discussion that constantly seems to be trending, incorporate this conversation topic in your site’s content and blog. This is an excellent way to do keyword research.

Picking up on these conversational trends will boost your site in multiple ways. Being out front of a hot topic or question will help you rank for that particular phrase. By having answers to questions that everyone is asking, you’ll also take steps towards becoming an authority in your field. By keeping your ear out for trending conversations on social platforms, you’ll be well in front your competitors in ranking, in site traffic, and as a thought leader in your field.

Get Rid of the Huge Pictures

Your high-resolution images may be hindering your SEO efforts. Large pictures can drastically slow your page’s loading speed. This not only puts a big dent in your search rankings but also tanks the user experience. No one wants to sit and wait forever for your site to load.

You’ll want to be sure your images are solid in quality, have the correct aspect ratio, have decent resolution, and are the right size to be compatible with various devices. If you’re having trouble spotting large image files that are slowing your load time, use a tool like It will check the files sizes of all the elements on your site and identify any that are unnecessarily large.

Don’t Neglect Your Meta Description

Many digital marketers seem indifferent to their meta descriptions. Since they think the meta description isn’t factored into Google’s algorithm, they haphazardly throw in some characters and move on. Don’t make this mistake for your clinic’s website.

It’s true, Google does not take meta descriptions into account for ranking purposes, but they’re still extremely important. This is the space you get to include your call to action and entice clicks with powerful language, which does affect your rankings. Take the opportunity to write a persuasive, creative description and watch the clicks roll in.

If you thought SEO was just for e-commerce sites, you’ve been missing the mark. Your potential patients are out there, turning to the web in droves to decide which clinic to visit. Take full advantage of the opportunity to optimize your site so that you’ll be there at the top of the results page when they’re ready to click.

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BoostOne August 29, 2017 0 Comments