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How to Create The Perfect Meta Tags for SEO

As a website owner or content creator, you know how important it is to optimize your website for search engines. One of the most essential components of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the use of meta tags. Meta tags provide valuable information about your website to search engines and other programs that index and analyze your content.

In this article, we’ll explore how to create the perfect meta tags for SEO and improve your website’s visibility on the search engines.

What are Meta Tags?

Meta tags are snippets of text that describe a page’s content. They appear in the HTML code of a web page but are not visible to visitors. Instead, they are read by search engines and other programs that analyze and index your content.

Meta tags provide search engines with information about your website, such as its title, description, and keywords. This information helps search engines to understand what your website is about and what keywords to rank it for in search results.

There are several types of meta tags, but the most important ones for SEO are the title tag and the meta description tag.

The Title Tag

The title tag is one of the most crucial meta tags for SEO. It is the title of your webpage and is displayed in the search results as the clickable link. The title tag should accurately reflect the content of your page and include the primary keyword that you want to rank for.

The title tag should be between 50-60 characters long, including spaces. If your title is too long, search engines may truncate it, which could make it less effective. Keep in mind that the title tag is what searchers will see in the search results, so it should be compelling and attention-grabbing.

The Meta Description Tag

The meta description tag is a brief summary of your webpage’s content. It is also displayed in the search results, just below the title tag. The meta description should be well-written and provide a clear and concise summary of your content.

The meta description should be between 150-160 characters long, including spaces. Again, if your description is too long, search engines may truncate it, which could make it less effective. The meta description should include the primary keyword that you want to rank for but should also be written with the reader in mind.

Tips for Creating the Perfect Meta Tags for SEO

Research Your Keywords

Before you start creating your meta tags, you should research your keywords. You want to identify the primary keyword that you want to rank for and include it in your title and meta description.

You can use keyword research tools like Google Keyword Planner or the BoostOne keyword tool to find the best keywords for your content. Once you have identified your primary keyword, you can use it to create compelling and attention-grabbing meta tags.

Keep Them Short and Sweet

As we mentioned earlier, the title tag should be between 50-60 characters, and the meta description should be between 150-160 characters. Keeping your meta tags short and sweet will ensure that they are displayed correctly in the search results.

It’s also important to note that search engines may not display your entire title or meta description, so make sure that you put the most important information at the beginning.

Use Compelling Language

Your meta tags should be compelling and attention-grabbing. They should entice searchers to click on your link and visit your website. Use action-oriented language and make sure that your meta tags accurately reflect the content of your webpage.

Avoid Duplicate Content

Each page on your website should have a unique title and meta description. Duplicate content can confuse search engines and make it harder for them to understand what your website is about.

Make sure that you write unique meta tags for each page on your website. This will help search engines to index your content correctly and improve your website’s visibility in the search results. Additionally, avoid using the same keywords in every meta tag on your website. Instead, focus on creating unique and relevant meta tags for each page. This will not only help search engines to understand what your website is about but also provide a better user experience for your visitors. A well-written and optimized meta tag can be the difference between a visitor clicking on your link or scrolling past it in the search results. Therefore, it is important to invest time and effort into creating the perfect meta tags for SEO.

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BoostOne February 16, 2023 0 Comments

The Power of Video Marketing


With so many marketing techniques and tools available for businesses, it can sometimes be difficult to decide whether you need to devote some or all of your marketing budget towards generating traffic from certain sources. In this era of online marketing, Video marketing is an important option to consider when trying to promote your business. It is important to understand the power of this service, especially when trying to get the most out of your marketing dollars.

Ability to Spread like Wildfire

Online videos have the potential to spread like a wildfire. Since they are extremely easy to share between users, often when a viewer sees a video they enjoy or find useful, they like and share it with other people that they think will benefit from what the video is about. This is especially true with Social Media networks that allow you to upload the videos through them and onto your public profile.

Search Engine Results

When customers are looking to solve a problem or are looking for information, they tend to go to the Internet to find what they are looking for. Videos are now frequently found in search engine results, and can often lead to high click-through rates. This also means that videos appear in search engine results with website based text, which can be customized to relay your company message. Many consumers find that viewing a short video is the easiest way to get the information you’re looking for over readable content pages.


Videos tend to be more dynamic than text, which helps engage your visitors. If you have a video on the homepage of your website, a video can increase the “stickiness” of your website, which is the average amount of time visitors spend on your site. In essence, videos tend to capture and hold the attention of visitors for longer periods of time than text.

Branding Techniques

Videos can help brand you, your business and your product. Especially for service based businesses, videos allow companies to build a good relationship with their visitors without ever seeing them. As service providers tend to rely on the relationships they build with their clients, videos can help build and strengthen the connection and sales.

Video marketing works best when combined with other online advertising campaigns like organic seo and/or online media buying. Internet users tend to overlook online ads because they see many on a daily basis, at nearly every website they visit. This makes online ads less attractive, no matter how attractive they may seem. That’s why online videos are more effective because they add a more personal touch in attracting advertisers and potential customers.

A Cost-effective Marketing Strategy

When making an announcement, people usually seek high return on investment for each action they take. Video marketing is a great option because there is little cost involved in the marketing. There are a few criteria that the video must meet, and should be shared in a particular way, however as far as achieving rank for a video, if the quality is there and it is content that could be shared, the hard part has already been completed. Unlike PPC marketing services that take hefty budgets and can sometimes give a low return on investment, the cost to market a video is substantially lower, and can be more profitbabl.e

Better Targeting of a Particular Market

This is perhaps the most important of all the benefits of video marketing for any business. You can do this work, even in the comfort of your own home with no advanced technical skills. You do not have to learn any language or computer code to do video marketing. The hard work is in creating the video, then you just upload your video and publish it on the website you’d like to. You may need some help optimizing the video for search, building some quality links pointing to it and of course creating the video, but anyone is capable of uploading a video on YouTube or similar video sharing sites.

Videos have proven to be an effective marketing tool and are setting the standard for the rapidly growing online marketing industry. This trend is slowly replacing conventional marketing strategies that currently define the way we market in the digital age. If used properly, it results in gaining more customers, increased sales, and online visibility that contributes to success in business. If you would like to learn more about SEO or video marketing, then fill out our contact form and one of our experts will call you to discuss strategy.

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BoostOne April 22, 2022 0 Comments
Young people work in modern office.

How to Create SEO-Focused Pages for IT Companies


The demand for IT companies is growing, and industry growth is chasing after that demand. That means there are a lot of companies competing for the same pool of business. To be effective in securing that business, an IT company must stand out. This is best achieved by having a strong online presence, which means strong SEO tactics must be used so your website will rank well under relevant search terms on Google.

However, strong SEO starts with a good website. There are certain elements of a well-built website, such as:

  • A relevant domain that isn’t too long
  • Hosting that enables fast site speed
  • A content management system that allows for easy and fast editing (i.e., WordPress)
  • Testimonials and links to positive company reviews
  • Social media buttons that allow visitors to share content
  • A visually pleasing design that is easy to follow
  • An open path to being able to sign up for services or make contact
  • Fresh content that keeps visitors up-to-date on the business and industry
  • Evidence that there are actual people behind the website because IT websites can seem very “mechanical”

If you have these key components in place, you have laid a good foundation for a site that can be properly optimized for search engines.

Getting Your IT Company Website to Rank Well

To make sure your great IT company website ranks well, you want to start with placing internal links throughout your content that link to other pages on the site. Navigation doesn’t begin and end with the menus on the website. You can map out how you want the pages to link and then go to the site pages and create the hyperlinks.

Basically, you want to think of your website as a filing cabinet. When you are creating pages, make sure your keyword is in your URL. For example: The content management system you are using may automatically do this for you when you create the page title. That’s why it’s important to make sure keywords are in the page title. If you are using subdomains, don’t split content into subdomains when it can be split into sub-folders.

Also, add keywords to your meta title and meta description. Keywords have a lot of SEO juice when they are used properly throughout the website. Just make sure you don’t use them too much. One relevant keyword per page with semantic keywords naturally placed in the text will make Google happy.

Avoid Common SEO Issues

There are some things that can happen that can confuse search engines. If a search engine becomes confused, it can work against you. For instance, you don’t want orphaned content on your site that the search engine can’t find. You could have a magnificent piece of text, but no internal link leading to it could leave it hanging high and dry. You also want to avoid content that can only be found through a site search. This is because Google isn’t going to use the search function to find pieces of content that may not have any other doorway leading to it.

You also want to avoid overly flashy effects. Videos can be great, but not in excess. You don’t exactly want a video to be a focal point since not everyone wants to wait for a video to find out what they need to know. Video should be an optional supplement. The same applies to audio files.

If you’re a fan of frames, you want to avoid those as well. Frames can be problematic when a search engine crawls your website. It can be confusing because the frame contains information from another website. This could easily be interpreted as duplicate content.

Another thing to note: although Google has gotten better at reading AJAX pages, you want to use it sparingly. Content can become obscured if AJAX is everywhere.

Make Your Site Mobile-Friendly

Mobile-friendliness is key since more people are using their mobile devices to conduct searches. We are no longer in the computer-first age. When a site is optimized for search engines, the mobile layout needs to be equally considered. Search engine results for mobile can be different than the results shown to someone on a computer. This is because the search landscape is somewhat different for mobile users than it is for computer users. You want to rank well for both. Responsive web design is no longer enough, so you should pay extra attention to mobile design.

Grab Your Audience

Overall, you will rank well when everything is done well. Both humans and search engines should have a good idea of what your IT company’s website is about. If they’re confused, they will leave as soon as they arrive at the site. That is why you must think of the website as the foundation and the SEO as the beautiful house that attracts your target audience.

Need help optimizing your company website for search engines?
Click Here to Book a Free 20-Minute Consultation With One of Our Experts

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BoostOne June 21, 2019 0 Comments