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Media Buying, a Necessity for Any Online Marketing Campaign


Online Media Buying has become a basic necessity for organizations, companies and institutions around the world, as the Internet gains new users every day. The worlds internet users see banner ads in their day to day browsing and use these means to inquire about the products and services they require as well as to acquire them.

Advantages of Online Media Buying

Some advantages of Buying Online vs. traditional advertising media is that online media buying is much cheaper, you can target your market better, and you can also be at the right place at the right time. The goal of any advertiser is to place the business in front of the eyes of potential customers, and having a banner ad conveniently placed on the same page that clients are searching for answers can be advantageous in many ways.  Media buying also helps user interaction, as everything is measured, and quantified to make you know the exact source of traffic, how long they were on the page, and what keywords they used to find you, etc.

An Important Element to add to Existing Campaigns

Online media buying can complement traditional media campaigns such as TV, Radio, leafleting, Point of Sale, Activations, Guerilla, etc. In fact every day the trends shift toward comprehensive campaigns in which an interaction takes place with the user in every media format whether online or offline.

Meanwhile, companies all over the world are spending a higher percentage of their budget purchasing Online Media. Currently e-commerce businesses face a big challenge in media buying. Business partners have the challenge of buying traffic that is targeted to their sites purpose; advertisers on the other hand have the challenge of finding the channels that will provide the best results for allocation of funds and this is not easy to accomplish, both tasks can be difficult.

The business owner will usually choose to purchase traffic on a large scale which is not necessarily qualified. Certainly, this scenario will provide a gain in page views and clicks. However, this does not refer to a delivery optimized with respect to cost benefit campaign. It can be tough to assess the pricing of sales traffic, and this is a problem business owners see often, which is why they should hire professionals to optimize and manage their PPC campaigns and media buying efforts.

The side of the advertisers account is more complex. When your e-commerce business grows large enough, you also hold a presence across the web, a presence you must solidify and grow. Your brand can become present in channels such as aggregation sites, portals, search engines, affiliates, among  many others.

What is the best course of action? 

Most people will opt for a direct investment for a specific frame of time, which can deliver good ROI, deliver leads or even attract new customers, however poor choices could undermine the medium-term strategies and existing gains. Stop investing in the same channel and start diversifying your strategies. A good online marketing campaign has organic rankings, PPC, Banner ads and Social Media in mind.

What  is the best channel to invest in without jeopardizing any gains in your current digital strategies? This varies according to niche, segment, competition and product portfolio.

In countries like the U.S. and UK, the percentage of media buying exceeds 17% of advertising investment, which indicates that the trend remains entirely favorable to the buying of online media. You being responsible for the advertising budget must consider these online actions. If you need a professional agency that has media buying experience, contact us.

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BoostOne April 10, 2014 0 Comments

Online Reputation Management: Why Is It So Important?


What Is Online Reputation Management?

Building a company’s reputation is not an easy task, because strengthening and maintaining it requires high costs, a complex marketing plan and advertising campaigns along with the patience to get the desired results. Online reputation management is a delicate task, as it requires the ability to constantly monitor any result or review being put out about the company. The most complicated part is related to the management of your reputation, because it depends on the company directly. Customers are involved as well, by providing their feedback related to your products and services.

If we talk about Online Reputation, things can get complicated because whatever gets posted in any particular social site or review site automatically becomes public information. Search Engines crawl and index information, giving easy access and thus allowing the Internet to provide you a “Quick Snowball Effect”, which in some cases can be very flattering to promote a company, but in other cases can bring several consequences.

Before a company devotes efforts to defending it’s online reputation, they must first understand that their online reputation is their real reputation. This is another way of saying that online reputation management starts with monitoring what’s currently being said online about the company. Knowing what is being said about your brand on the Internet is a key element for businesses of all types and all sizes.

The alternative scenario is that your online reputation is crowded with comments, defamatory, negative news, complaints, and malicious attacks from the competitors. Difference, of course, is the difference between continued success and utter ruin – but how can a company develop an understanding of their own online reputation?

The Basics Of Online Reputation

The most common tools for monitoring an online reputation are Google Alerts, which you can use to receive updates. Any time new results are published in search engines, using the desired search term – that is, the name of the company or other brand terms, you get the necessary alerts for them. These fundamental and basic tools are a great resource for any company tracking their online reputation in a serious way.

It is important to be aware of the limitations of these tools. There are whole parts of the web that Google is not indexing – and therefore do not register with these alerts. The so-called “Deep Web” are social media conversations, as well as some review sites on the internet. Though these basic tools are very good, it may be necessary to use some additional reputation monitoring tools for them.

Companies should also be cautious about what is written about them on Social Media networks like Facebook and Twitter. This is where social media management comes into play, and if you don’t have someone monitoring this for you, it’s time need to get started.

Key strategies to improve online reputation:

1. Detection: Warning systems should be used, to be notified when something refers to your name, brand or keywords that interests you. Clean the negative comments that may arise, however its not easy which is why you have to be constantly informed of each of the publications through constant monitoring.

2. Prevention: The best prevention to avoid bad reviews or negative reviews is undoubtedly your professional ethics, when conducting business. However, competitiveness view internet scale methodologies as unseen in other media, turning occasionally if negative reviews are published to discredit a certain company or a certain person intentionally (disguised in some websites that allow you to post anonymously).

The removal of the publication is usually a fairly hard task and not always effective. It is based on manually removing of the results obtained through dialogue with the site manager, where negative comments are posted. Sometimes webmasters agree to such requests to avoid legal problems with the company or on the individual basis.

The best way to overcome negative reviews, comments or bad articles is to put out positive content and positive reviews. It is not an easy job which is why a professional is required to manage your campaign properly. Contact us today and ensure that your online reputation reflects the integrity of your business.

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BoostOne March 28, 2014 0 Comments

PPC Services In The Virtual Business World


Internet searches based on “pay per” actually allow you to get traffic without having to test a marketing method whose results tend to be uncertain. Pay per click advertising involves paying for every click on the ad that you have set for your site or your particular web sites. When you start a pay per click campaign, you have to set your goals, and then prepare a budget appropriate for those goals. Naturally, like most means of paid traffic, the more you spend the more you get. This does not necessarily mean better conversions. There is a lot of testing that goes into a PPC campaign, and it is highly recommended to start slow and slowly increase the budget as you see results.

If, for example, your website’s subject is computer maintenance, pay per click ads can appear on a web page with information on computers. Your website will also appear on the top and right side of any search results related to your keywords. This ensures that you are on the first page when potential clients are searching for your services or products.

SEO And Pay Per Click

Before you start your pay per click campaign you should work on your organic Seo because it is always important to have natural search traffic. It is also important for your website to have a Google Places Listing, a Google Plus Profile and get listed on as many local directories as possible. These are all important aspects of local seo. This is important to get lots of visitors without having to spend money on a marketing campaign. You need to use an excellent SEO tactic. Through SEO, you will be able to get your site listed on the first web page of search engine results for particular keywords.

Search engine optimization tactics along the lines of creating a positive key phrase, makes pay per click appear as a big boost for your website, which can allow you to achieve that rank. The acquisition will also increase your sites ranking for pay per click, which uses an entirely different algorithm.

Professional PPC Services

Advertising on the Internet is now more important than ever, especially when the Internet and its users are growing rapidly. You can advertise on the Internet in a number of ways, including search engine optimizationpay per click (PPC) advertising, etc. However, all options considered, the most important and most common strategy is PPC marketing because it delivers immediate results. In order to create a successful marketing campaign on the Internet, in-depth knowledge is necessary. If you want to get a return on your investment, you have to use certain strategies and tools to make it happen.

If you do use professional PPC services, you will be able to maximize the benefits that come out of your PPC marketing campaign. You need to find an expert who is well versed in internet marketing and has a good track record and reputation. The expert makes a campaign based on the budget, then analyzes and investigates the keywords to ensure that your website will be able to compete with any tough competition. If necessary they must use different strategies to make your PPC campaign successful.

Professional PPC Services can bring your website great results online. PPC Management, along with search engine optimization can be very profitable, building an identity and generating leads to your website and online business. This is usually what PPC service providers offer their customers.

The success of any marketing campaign is dependent on good strategies and decisions. PPC marketing is no different. There are rules and procedures that must be implemented for success. PPC service providers perform tasks such as recording the conversion rates of your website to see how much traffic actually generate sales, where the traffic comes from,  and what they want on your website.

PPC campaigns need to be followed up with regularly, even on a daily basis. Only then will you be able to understand how to improve the campaign and to generate more traffic to your website, while increasing conversion rates. PPC Service providers know all about this. They know exactly where to place your ads. They know how to increase the conversion rate or keep it stable, if necessary. Examine where your traffic is coming from and try to use the source as much as possible.

How To Choose A PPC Service Provider?

When a PPC service is used, it is recommended that you choose a company that has experts with extensive experience that has worked for other companies in the past. You can look at the experience of the company and even get feedback on how well they have managed the campaigns of other clients. You need to consider your budget as well. A company that has a good record is a good choice for your internet marketing business.

In conclusion, PPC services can help you because they know strategies and tools that will do wonders for your website and will bring a good return on your investment. It may seem very simple to do this on your own, but in reality, a service provider is required to do the task for you.

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BoostOne March 20, 2014 0 Comments