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How to Create a Great Digital Marketing Campaign


Set Goals and Objectives

As in any other form of media, working with a clear and specific methodology is essential especially, when planning a campaign at the digital level. The first step is to set goals and conduct research aimed at understanding the competition, industry and consumer trends. While conducting this research, you should define your objectives and collect information about the client/brand, target audience and the related market.

To follow through with any campaign, you need to answer two questions:

1) What is the goal?


2) What is the desired action? Do you want to increase sales, launch a new product, need feedback from your customers or want to generate some rewards for their loyalty?

Team Work

You must develop a global benchmark category and identify opportunities in new digital media formats, and new social trends, relating to new consumer channels. For this first step, it is essential to have a multi-talented team to investigate these opportunities from the perspective of your consumer and two-way communication.

A Strategy

The next step is to propose a strategy and plan where you want to go with your digital marketing campaign.After analyzing the information obtained in the research process, you are in a deductive process. It must define the path to the solution, developing an action plan that defines the elements of digital communication. This strategy should contain elements of SeoAdvertisingPPC, and Social Media aiming at a comprehensive online strategy.

From planning to development, it’s important to define the creative concept. It is crucial that creativity reflects alignment of the various elements.

The Campaign

Once the strategy and creativity is defined, you are in the production process of campaign development, which is the process of producing various pieces that make up the creative strategy. To achieve a good final product, it is essential to have an integrated team capable of graphic designmultimedia and programming to manage the relationship with the client. Importantly, unlike an offline campaign, the production process in the online world has stages of animation and programming while providing an innovative experience to the consumers.

After launching the campaign, it is crucial to track analytics. At this point, the digital domain that has been setup will allow monitoring in real time which will allow you to instantly correct any deviation or weak point. Tracking tools like Google Analytics collect and analyze results so that you can constantly improve your campaign.


Visibility is critical in any campaign. A lesson you must learn is that no matter how good your products/services are, if a good analysis and advertising campaign is not made, you will potentially lose a massive quantity of buyers and/or visitors and your sales will never achieve the targets you set. Visibility can come from many sources such as advertising, natural search, social media, content marketing, e-mail marketing and many more venues. Having an idea of what services to use to present your product is crucial for the campaign.

Measuring Results

When measuring the success or failure of a digital campaign, it is essential to understand what you are measuring. Many feel that having a million hits is a success. It is a success, if the goal is purely branding and distribution, for example, launching a new product.

However, it is important to measure the investment versus the results, the final ROI. If you have a campaign that aims to promote direct sales via online medium, you should measure the sales generated, not the number of unique hits that are obtained. An online campaign must raise measurable objectives.

What are the main elements that influence the effectiveness of an online campaign?Multiple factors influence the effectiveness of a digital campaign. Among them, the most important are:

  • The quality of the creative banner design
  • The number of times the campaign is seen
  • The context of site where the banner is located

Several studies indicate that firm’s brand recognition grows when it’s shown more than 10 times to the same person. This is important especially for new brands in the market. It is also important that campaigns have the company logo on the banner being displayed.

The last recommendation is to quantify the success of your campaign. Presently, there are many methods that allow us to measure results, and the most common is to use tracking codes like Google Analytics or Histats. No matter how great your campaign is, it is always a good practice to measure the traffic, the achievement of objectives such as sales, number of visits, conversion rate, most successful keywords, sites linking to yours, etc. One of the tools that we recommend using is Google Analytics, because it is the most famous and complete tool. In addition, Google Analytics is useful for all types of projects from marketing campaigns, mobile apps, Webapps, to monitoring games and other things.

For more information and assistance, feel free to fill our free marketing analysis form and have our experts put together your winning strategy.

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BoostOne June 27, 2014 0 Comments

Content Marketing: A Sales Strategy with Added Value


There has been a lot said about content marketing, not just in social networks, but all over the internet, for a long time. The definition, however, can be somewhat elusive. Actually, we are always talking about content marketing in one way or another. In many ways, it’s considered the backbone of brand presence.

Content marketing can have many forms, for example: through videos, case studies, books, computer graphics, quizzes, polls, photos, and more. The range is very wide in the digital world.

What is Content Marketing?

We use content marketing to do things like increase sales of a brand, to generate a positive brand image and to position a company as an authority in a particular subject or particular line or range of products.

For SEM or PPC Marketing (Pay per Click Marketing) we also need good content. This means that quality content is the key whether we are working with social networks on the web, or with some other digital media. If we buy traffic, buy followers, then we have to have something to hold them.

Content marketing is a concept that takes time and experience online to accomplish, and is becoming more relevant everyday. When you are marketing your content, you should offer original, entertaining or useful content to users (even all three at once) targeting sale as the primary goal. When creating a content marketing strategy, it is essential to be clear about what our target audience is, what their needs are, what information you want to provide them, and how you can help.

The corporate blog is one of the best tools to convey valuable content that helps attract, convert and retain customers. However, the originality of both topic and presentation of information plays a fundamental role. Therefore, you have to take advantage of the various forms that can offer good content(videos, info-graphics, e-books, newsletter, interviews, etc.).Factors such as Social Media or SEO Positioning are very important for a good content strategy, which is why, you can always exploit the potential of all available opportunities. In addition, content marketing is a sales strategy with many benefits.

How do you know if it works?

Some basic metrics will help you know what you have to achieve(themes, formats, strategies, customer service, design, usability, etc.). Content marketing is often confused with other related online content generation strategies like Branded Content, Copywriting, Storytelling and Content Creation. The line that divides some other concepts is fine, sometimes fuzzy, but it should be clear in its meaning and must involve each of these actions at the time of raising your content creation strategy.

Branded Content Marketing Content

This technique is based, as the name suggests, on the production of “branded content”, in any format, which means that the branded content does not have to be digital. In fact, this type of content marketing is mostly used in the television field.

Content Marketing vs. Copywriting

This is a technique of creating persuasive content focused on the user performing a specific action such as a purchase in your online store, a call or requesting particular information. The most important nuance is that copywriting hides the fact that you are trying to sell something. It is more aggressive and more direct. Of course, you can also perform functions such as inform or entertain your users, but this is not its true goal. In addition, copywriting is only the creation of content in text format.

Content Marketing vs. Storytelling

Storytelling consists of turning a message or an idea in a short story that allows a connection between the narrator and the audience. Its turning branded content into a narrative that encompasses various stages and chapters. It is another way to reach your audience.

If you want to know more about content marketing, fill our free SEO analysis form and one of our experts will contact you.

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BoostOne June 4, 2014 0 Comments

A Few Simple Tips For On Page SEO


On Page Optimization is generally pretty flexible because you decide what you want to change on your site. Seo experts have done on page seo for many websites so they usually have an idea of what works. The goal is to make a web page and optimize it to be as attractive as possible for the visitors and the web crawlers. This is extremely important for the success of your website. The only way to improve is to test it regularly and follow up on the different elements to see what truly works best.


Firstly, it’s important that your page is properly accessible. If no link is pointing to it, a search engine cannot see it. Try to avoid JavaScript links. Having great content contributes enormously to SEO. Mostly, people don’t think about content but the vitality of content is always an asset, without which it is very hard to move up in the SERPs (search engine result pages, search results).


The title of your website should be relevant, unique and not too long (max 70 characters). We must not lose sight of the title (it is the first thing you see in the search engines), so it is useless if it does not reflect the information of the website. It is interesting to place keywords in titles, but they must remain relevant. The user and the robot must know what the page is about by reading its title. In practice, it is preferable to put the keywords at the beginning of the title.


Tag descriptions are also important. Even if most robots neglect them, descriptions serve as a snippet in the SERPs. If a description is not given, the robots will select “relevant page-lines”. In a passage where keywords are in bold in the results, the user can see at a glance, the closest terms related to their search query. Like the title, the description must be unique and relevant and it must be an appropriate summary of the page. Avoid generic descriptions and putting the entire keyword list as a description for your web page.

Heading Tags

The tags include headings from H1 to H6 and must be chosen carefully. The way H tags are setup gives a clue about the content of your page. It also greatly improves the clarity of your page. In addition, as an article, the headings should appear in a limited quantity.


In the category of forgotten content, you can also include pictures. Images are not visible to the robots, or for users of Lynx and other text-mode web browsers. All browsers however can interpret the information displayed through the img tag. It is therefore necessary to inform by using the attribute “alt” that will be displayed if for some reason X or Y image cannot be displayed (alt for alternative). The “alt” attribute is also used as an anchor, if the image is clickable. Although naming files can also be a plus, it can be used to (re) cram keywords and be well indexed on search engines images.

Contact information

There are times when customers just want to email you, call you via phone or visit you in person instead of filling out a form. Having items like an address and map on a contact page of your website can boost your local search rankings tremendously. There is nothing more frustrating than wanting to contact a website and not being able to find the contact information on it. So keep it simple and accessible.

The call to action

Think about what you want your visitors to do while your clients arrive at your site. You can for example, encourage them to sign up for your mailing list, invite them to leave you a comment that can serve as feedback for your products or services. This way, you obtain valuable information for your business. When you know what you want them to do, then, you must think of an incentive to put up with the order to complete the desired action (A ticket discount, free shipping etc). One thing is clear, if you want results you have to ask and encourage your customers to perform an action.

Google Places

Google Places gives you the ability to link the places page to your website as well as your profile on Google Places to your website. This helps you by making you appear better in the local search results. Google also gives you a local web page that you can customize with descriptions of the products, services, images and videos.

For more details about the on page optimization of your websiteget a free assessment today!

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BoostOne May 20, 2014 0 Comments