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How Your Business Can Grow Through SEO


When SEO is supplemented with quality content and clever marketing, you can transform an unknown website into a real success when it comes to your business. One of the simplest ways to assess the credibility of a business is by conducting a search for it in Google. If someone is looking for your business, you must have a clear idea of what he or she wants to know about your business and not of your competitors. Google specializes in providing this information to visitors.

Dominating your market is not a one day affair

When people search, they do so using keywords of interest, not the name of your brand. This is why, you need to study the keywords you will use in your Web and Blog site, as these are the ones that will help the search engines to display your results before the competition. It should be clear that if these SEO techniques are not mastered properly, you should hire an SEO specialist to take care of it. Make sure you only use ethical SEO techniques in your campaigns.

SEO can be an expensive and long-term practice, but when done correctly, it has unlimited potential. If you are trying to dominate your niche, it is important to know that this is not an overnight process and can take some time. In fact, if you try to do too much in too little time, chances are that Google blocks the site.

Is SEO right for my business?

No matter how small your efforts are to create an online presence, you should always start from scratch. In order to get results, you must try different marketing strategies. SEO alone does not guarantee a good position in Google for your keywords. You have to use it in conjunction with other tools to grow your business.


The popular sites social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and YouTube have enormous potential to help in growing your business. The purpose of these sites is to help people interact directly with your brand or business, and therefore they should be used as a supplement. Google likes websites that interact with it’s visitors, so using social networks as a strategy is a plus … when done correctly.


A blog helps you derive the maximum traffic towards your corporate website. When people look for what they require, the blog helps provide answers to your customers’ questions. The keywords you use in your articles are very important for SEO purposes, because you will eventually attract more potential customers. These articles will then rank for the terms related to your business, and generate more traffic to your website.

Collaboration with other sites

Collaborating with specialty articles on other sites or blogs is a good way to create links to your site, but more importantly, a great way of gaining quality backlinks in the eyes of Google. The advantages are that this will attract potential clients from other sources and increase your authority on the subject in which you specialize.

A few years ago, SEO procedures were quite easy. Now, it is quite the contrary. SEO requires everyone to be vigilant and aggressive. SEO experts need to carefully create a well thought out SEO process. Every word that is written and produced in a website is representative of that site. These professionals serve and alter what you have written accordingly to suit your site. So in order to get viewers to your website, you need high quality seo services that are designed to get results.


SEO today is not limited to the use of keywords, but the quality of the content you publish, the backlinks to your site from reputable sites, and the use of tools of “conversation” with your visitors. Are you missing any of these requirements to position your site right? If yes, then you need to include these in your strategy right away.

SEO can be used for your business. This is an enormous task to complete on your own. If you are serious about increasing your websites ranking in search engines and generating more clients online, then contact us today for your free SEO analysis.

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BoostOne September 8, 2014 0 Comments

SEO: Good vs Bad

SEO: Good vs Bad

Search engine optimization, also known as SEO, is a popular form of search engine marketing. Its main objective is to improve site ranking in various search engines. Almost everything on the Internet has grown around the idea of ​​search engine optimization. However, it is important to note that there are two distinct methodologies at work when it comes to optimization.

According to many SEO consultants, its methods can be subdivided into two different groups. The categories are best known as “white hat SEO” (which aims to improve the overall quality of web sites, and increase site ranking through approved methods), or “black hat SEO” (often uses methods like cloaking, spamdexing to move up).

Those in the field of white hat accuse those who use black hat methods of not only giving a bad name to the art of SEO, but also of trying to manipulate and undermine the ranking of search engines. The black hatters defend themselves by saying that all SEO really ends up being an attempt to manipulate the rankings, so the individual methods used to increase rankings is irrelevant.

So what are the methods used by both the sides?

White Hat Methods:

These methods involve taking into account the typical guidelines that search engine representatives like Google’s Matt Cutts have published, as to what is and what is not acceptable. Experts of White Hat SEO usually advise to create more user-friendly content, and focus less on the search engines.

The white hatter often needs to pay more attention, because if you have made critical errors in either the design or development of your web pages, not paying enough attention can “poison” your site or blog, which will reflect negatively in search engines. Here are some examples of White Hat SEO tactics, which are acceptable in search engines:

• Optimize tags, titles and other parts of the source code.

• Use Word Tracker or a similar database to find popular keywords and phrases.

• Monitoring of various search engines to ensure that URL is indexed.

• Increase the amount of exclusive content on the site.

• Writing quality content for site visitors instead of search engines

Black Hat Methods:

Black Hat SEO” methods are used to improve the ranking by any means necessary. The search engines, not only because of its deceptive nature, frown upon most of these methods but their ability to provide quality content to site visitors also gets hindered. Search engines often penalize sites that use black hat methods when discovered, to reduce or eliminate these sites ranking on search results pages. Search engine algorithms usually apply these penalties automatically, because the Internet is too large to do it manually.

Therefore, you have to take into account the enormous risk taken by those using unethical SEO practices. A common black hat method is known as Spamdexing.(Spamming + indexing). Spamdexing is one of the multiple methods used to manipulate the importance of resources indexed by internet search engines.

Some of the techniques that Google and other search engines use to measure the relevance of a page include determining the keywords that exist on this web page. These search engines analyze words that are either on the website or words on external or internal links pointing to that website. The creators of web pages can deliberately and abusively, include dozens or hundreds of “keywords”, only to position it better in search results. This is basically what spamdexing is. Another example of spamdexing is link farms.

A link farm (link farm) is a set of websites that are linked to each other in order to improve its ranking in search engines.With the creation of these farms pursued artificially the web page rankings get inflated as a result. Unfortunately, it is often confused with white hat optimization techniques that do not involve deception.Spamming keywords include links to web sites, blogs and forums with the intention of publicizing a website more than it deserves, which is unsatisfactory for those searches.


An easy way to distinguish between Good and Bad Seo is the amount of time necessary to achieve the desired results.If you do not know the right techniques and tools, White Hat SEO uses methods that produce results slowly over time and only after a good deal of effort has been put into the site. Black Hat SEO offers quick and easy results, but accomplished through deceptive practices. This will often lead to penalty.

If you are looking for an ethical SEO company that will take great care of your website and achieve great results, the right way, then contact Boost One Seo today.

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BoostOne August 26, 2014 0 Comments

5 SEO Tips for Small Business


The advent of the web has not only helped to corporate globalization, it has also opened the doors to small businesses in different areas to compete legitimately with the largest companies in its field. Indeed, a good SEO optimization for small business can propel it to the top in the organic search results of Google, at least locally.

What is SEO?

Search Engine Optimization or “SEO” is the set of techniques used to optimize and promote a website in order to increase the targeted traffic from search engines like Google, Yahoo and Bing. These three major search engines drain alone over 90% of Internet traffic. If they cannot find your website, you miss the opportunity to reach a wider audience and get more targeted visitors. White Hat SEO can be complex, requires a thorough understanding of search engine algorithms, and updates such as Google Panda and Google Penguin, you can still get a good position in a few simple SEO tips.

5 SEO Tips

If you want to increase your traffic and make your small business a success, follow these five SEO tips.

1. Choose the right keywords

Choosing the right keywords is one of the most important SEO tips. If you do not choose your keywords wisely based on what your target search is, all your efforts will go to waste. What words or phrases do your potential customers use when searching for your products or services? What problems can your product or service solve? Make a list of these terms and use keyword tools such as the Google AdWords Keyword Planner to determine the keywords for which you have the greatest chance to achieve the best positioning.

2. Create unique and relevant content

Content is King! This well-known saying of SEO professionals has never been truer. Offer valuable and unique content to your readers. Include your keywords in your content in low density. More than two keywords in a paragraph of 100 words make your readers confused and create over-optimized content, which can lead search engines to penalize your site. If you are lacking inspiration, content creation is a great way to attract traffic as quality content on the required subject helps in maintaining the interest of the readers. You must also never forget to cite your sources!

3. Provide a simple and clear navigation

Structure and simple navigation on your site will help search engine spiders index your pages faster to promote a good ranking. The best way to create a clean and simple structure for the website for your small business is to use a user-friendly CMS for both your visitors and the search engines such as WordPress. Most web-hosting providers allow you to install WordPress with a few clicks on your server.

4. Optimize your titles and texts

The titles of your pages are very important for the SEO of your site, because they provide search engines with accurate information on the subject. Be sure to include your main keywords in the titles of your pages. Your main keywords are the ones to which you want to get the best positioning. Use <h1>, <h2><h3> for your subtitles and bring up your keywords in bold. These techniques are intended to highlight your keywords so that search engines accurately identify the topic of your content and rank it at the highest level.

5. Share your content on social networks

Social networks can generate heavy traffic to your website. It is not necessary to create a profile on all existing social networks, focus on the popular and most useful points for your company on mediums such as the Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google Plus and Pinterest, especially if you have beautiful photos to share. Share your content on your profile and encourage your visitors to engage and share your content by inserting social media buttons on your pages.


The world of SEO is sometimes like a jungle in constant motion. The good news is that you don’t need to be an expert to climb to the top of the results on Google, Yahoo, or Bing! SEO is all about common sense and perseverance. You can begin by applying these five simple and effective SEO tips. Improve your online visibility, increase your conversion rate and get your piece of the internet pie!

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BoostOne August 15, 2014 0 Comments