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5 SEO Hacks to Drive Traffic to Your Clinic’s Site


Search engine optimization is crucial to the success of your website and, therefore, your clinic. The way patients find a doctor today has completely changed from 15 years ago. The majority of patients start their search for a doctor online. In fact, a reported 86 percent of patients conduct an online search before booking an appointment.

The simple truth is this: Your clinic’s online presence matters. You’re missing out if you’re not taking the steps to ensure your site has the best chance of being seen. SEO will get eyes on your site and patients into your clinic. The following SEO hacks will help you do just that. Full disclosure, these “hacks” are simply efficient ways to implement SEO and are in no way gray- or black-hat techniques.

Harness the Power of Video

If you had to guess the second-largest search engine in the world, what would your answer be? Bing? Yahoo? You’d be close, but wrong. YouTube receives over 3 billion searches per month. You should definitely be leveraging the platform to drive traffic to your site.

A clinic YouTube channel is a great way to supplement your site’s original content while also adding value to the user experience. The useful information you can give to potential patients is nearly unlimited. Not only will you deliver great informative content, you’ll have the chance to have your videos indexed on YouTube and within Google search results, which will drive traffic from two huge sources.

Combine JavaScript Tags

Various sites, like Google Analytics, Google+, and Twitter, request to install JavaScript code onto your site to power certain processes. While some of these functions have their usefulness, each one that you install pulls down your site speed. Slower speeds are horrible for SEO and cause your site to take hits with the search engine algorithms.

You can prevent loading time issues by using the free Tag Manager tool from Google. Instead of having your site deploy each snippet of code by itself, enter the code snippets into the tag generator. The tool will give you a uniform, site-wide tag that will deploy the individual JavaScript snippets. Your load times will drastically decrease compared to when your site had to fire each snippet off individually.

Utilize Social Media to Stay Ahead of the Curve

Be sure to monitor social media platforms and forums specific to the medical field. If you see a topic of discussion that constantly seems to be trending, incorporate this conversation topic in your site’s content and blog. This is an excellent way to do keyword research.

Picking up on these conversational trends will boost your site in multiple ways. Being out front of a hot topic or question will help you rank for that particular phrase. By having answers to questions that everyone is asking, you’ll also take steps towards becoming an authority in your field. By keeping your ear out for trending conversations on social platforms, you’ll be well in front your competitors in ranking, in site traffic, and as a thought leader in your field.

Get Rid of the Huge Pictures

Your high-resolution images may be hindering your SEO efforts. Large pictures can drastically slow your page’s loading speed. This not only puts a big dent in your search rankings but also tanks the user experience. No one wants to sit and wait forever for your site to load.

You’ll want to be sure your images are solid in quality, have the correct aspect ratio, have decent resolution, and are the right size to be compatible with various devices. If you’re having trouble spotting large image files that are slowing your load time, use a tool like It will check the files sizes of all the elements on your site and identify any that are unnecessarily large.

Don’t Neglect Your Meta Description

Many digital marketers seem indifferent to their meta descriptions. Since they think the meta description isn’t factored into Google’s algorithm, they haphazardly throw in some characters and move on. Don’t make this mistake for your clinic’s website.

It’s true, Google does not take meta descriptions into account for ranking purposes, but they’re still extremely important. This is the space you get to include your call to action and entice clicks with powerful language, which does affect your rankings. Take the opportunity to write a persuasive, creative description and watch the clicks roll in.

If you thought SEO was just for e-commerce sites, you’ve been missing the mark. Your potential patients are out there, turning to the web in droves to decide which clinic to visit. Take full advantage of the opportunity to optimize your site so that you’ll be there at the top of the results page when they’re ready to click.

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BoostOne August 29, 2017 0 Comments

Social Media Management Can Promote Your Brand In Social Networks


Social Media Management

Interaction with an audience through social media generates more interaction. In social media, the increase in business comes as a product of the relationship of trust that arises naturally in communities through spontaneous recommendation. With social media management, your company can maintain maximum productivity by updating profiles, groups and communities.

For over five years, social networks have managed to become part of our daily lives, and it is almost impossible to stay out of this great social, business and professional relevance. Arguably, today, social media is the epicenter of the Internet, which is in fierce competition with the search engines.

Brands such as Facebook, Twitter, Myspace, LinkedIn, Ciao, Instagram, Tripadvisor, Foursquare or Via Medius have got a daily presence in traditional media and in the habits of a good part of the target audience of any company. From the specific perspective of marketing, the social networks have attained the status of media in themselves, with a dynamic interaction and performance that has attracted the greatest interest of companies of all sizes and areas of a specific activity.

A Favorite Memory Of Your Brand

The social media management of a brand not only discloses the same, but if done correctly, you get to interact with your customers, it gets better recall of your brand. You probably will not buy your product in one visit, but it is likely to do so in a few weeks, and will help you make your brand known and disseminated.

Support for Social Networks

Do not have time to manage and manage social networks in your organization?  With a clear strategy, channels and networks chosen according to different objectives and audiences, experts advise on the administration of content networks, messages, keep the living networks and dump a manual procedure for the efforts.

Hire An Agency For Social Media Management

It is often difficult, especially if it is a new or not too big company, that potential customers find it for themselves. So is the company who must go in search of those leads.

Not all social networks are equal and the public that uses the same characters together. Social Media Management is not to open a profile on Facebook or Twitter that may not be the most appropriate places to meet its objectives. It is therefore very important to know, first, what the best social network is to find the potential customers.

The key to attracting that audience to your business needs, social media management is to establish an ideal balance of interaction with users and share content that may be of interest to people so that they want to share it with the other users, thus making the network brand influence to extend. To do this, you must know well about the public, something that requires a large time commitment.

Increasingly, consumers publicly on the Internet broadcast their good and bad reviews about companies we have or have had a relationship with, their products or their services. They use channels such as blogs or social networks and those for a company are very useful to know in real time, what their consumers are saying about them.

Advantages of an Agency

  • Find potential customers
  • Achieve greater brand awareness
  • Earning a reputation as a company

For your business to reach the objectives, it has to set and can get all the benefits derived from being close to potential customers and see first hand their ideas, complaints and suggestions (not enough to simply create a profile on the social network choice and to be published). For this presence to be successful, you must have previously designed a social media management strategy behind it and preferably find a good agency with expertise in the management of social networking for businesses.

Although in recent times, we are experiencing a boom around social media and many self-proclaimed experts in them, the fact is that few have such extensive experience. Agencies dealing with social media are successfully helping companies in their online marketing efforts and communication 2.0, providing the maximum reach to consumers, who are more likely to purchase products or services, from the company in question. Local seo services are also very important to rank for products and services in your city if your business is mainly local. Get Better Position Through Organic SEO Services and combine this strategy with Social Media and you are sure to end up on top.

These companies help to create (if they do not have it) and manage your online community. Their method includes you as a key member, as you will plan the strategy and the actions that take place in social media, having you regularly informed of everything that goes in your virtual community’s happening.

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BoostOne March 5, 2014 0 Comments