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SEO Montreal – Results Driven Marketing


When looking for Seo Montreal, it can be difficult to find a company that will actually be able to deliver results. Many companies, and websites claim to be able to rank companies on various search engines for keywords related to their business, but in reality, the majority of these websites are simply outsourcing the work to cheaper, less reliable options. This is where Boost One Seo is different. By carefully analyzing your industry, your competitors and your website, we will come up with a unique approach to your online marketing strategy, one that has been fully customized. There are several steps required to getting a website to the first page and position on Google for their given keywords, and all of the elements must be present in order to achieve those results.  Some of these elements include:

  1. High quality content and frequent posting
  2. High quality links pointing to your website
  3. Complete Social media presence
  4. Proper on page optimization
  5. Offering quality to your visitors

In order to truly have a business that can achieve first page ranking, you must have all of these elements checked off. There are no shortcuts, especially for company’s looking for long term results.

High quality content and frequent posting

More than often, company’s and individuals claiming to offer Seo services Montreal and all over the world overlook the importance of high quality content in an Seo strategy.  In a recent study, it was determined that the top 10 results for any search term in Google has an average of 2000 words written on it. The higher the word count, the better the ranking. There is a direct correlation! Check out the image below.

The average top result has 2416 words, and the 10th results average no less than 2032 words. This definitely shows us that the better the quality of the content on the website, the higher the ranking the majority of the time. This also means that people should be posting as frequently as possible, because fresh new content that provides something of substance to the visitor will be ranked highly in Google and other search engine’s eyes, and this will translate into greater ROI for you and your business. If your post is only 500 words long, or 1000 words long, that’s fine too, just be sure to post as frequently as possible, and try to provide as much detail as possible without being repetitive.

Think about it from a logical perspective. If Google see’s that a certain website is posting frequently, detailed content that legitimately helps the person searching for that phrase, why wouldn’t they put them on top of the rankings. These search engines jobs is to provide the highest quality results possible to it’s users, and more often than not, the site’s offering the most quality also contain the most words and images. There are many other parts of the article, website, or post that should be present to help optimize the page for the results such as using the right bold text, italics, headings, images, videos, titles, meta description and keywords, and if these are all there, generally you have a winner. This is what Boost One Seo is trying to do with Seo Montreal and with local companies trying to be a step ahead of the competition.

High quality links pointing to your website

When speaking about off page Seo, one of the most important actions is link building. This doesn’t mean you should add your link to any website that will take it and post it to their website, this means by providing quality rich content, refer internet users to your website in a way that will help them find the answers they are looking for. Some ways to do this are by building web 2.0 properties, participating in various online forums related to your industry, answering people’s questions online and letting them know how you can help them. The idea behind this is to grow your company’s overall web presence.

Take for example a company looking for Seo Montreal so that they can help their florist business grow. Firstly, we can build various florist related mini blogs offering quality to it’s readers. This could be a blog about roses or about choosing the right wedding flowers. Once this blog has been built we must add quality content. Once the site is considered complete we can link to the florists main website to help give it what is referred to in the industry as “link juice”. The more link juice, the better the rankings, provided content and the other elements are in place. The next thing that could be done is to find flower related forums and blogs and participate in the discussion, either by posting a thread, replying to a thread, commenting on an article or any other form possible. The idea behind this is to steadily build links, month after month until after some time, these very forum posts and blogs that have been commented on are ranking for your search terms, and your website is posted their. If Google and other search engines see your link on these related websites, you are more likely to have a strong position in the search rankings.

Complete Social Media Presence

These days more than ever, Social media is completely revolutionizing the way businesses market themselves online. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn,Google Plus, these are the big ones, but there are countless others. Company’s must have a presence on all of these and constantly engage with their fans and followers. This happens by providing high quality content that goes viral, and makes people share it with their friends and family members. Anytime a new post has been made, or there is any type of new content or announcement being added to the website, it should be shared across all platforms. There are not many company’s that offer Seo Montreal and will tell you this, which is another reason you should let us do all the work for you. If you realistically want to be on top of all the Social Media outlets, as you should be, you would have to have at the very minimum a dedicated staff member to do this in order to be effective.

Boost One Seo can handle your Social Media responsibilities and we will ensure that your visitors and followers are constantly engaged and sharing your company’s content. Rather than hire someone full time, let us do all the work and make sure that you have all of your bases covered.

Proper on page optimization

Another aspect of Seo that is often underestimated in importance is the on-page aspect. You can do all the link building and Social media interacting you want, but if your website itself is not properly optimized for search results, it could be a long and painful road to realizing you will never be ranked. Even worse, you could get penalized by Google and then shunned from the results forever. There are several things that should be there in order for the on page Seo to be up to par. First and foremost there should be a sitemap present on the site. This let’s Google know how your site is mapped out and it notifies them when there are changes or new additions. Secondly, all images should have properly formatted “alt text”. This is basically a few words describing the image.

There should be a meta title, meta description and meta keywords present. This is typically the information that appears in the results themselves. If you are looking for SEO Montreal, be sure that these aspects are covered in the overall package being offered. One of the very first things that Boost One Seo does before beginning an Seo job for any company is to first do a full on page analysis to make sure everything is as it should be. There should be good content, with bold text and italics text in places. H1, H2 and H3 headings if possible. As many images as possible with properly configures “alt text”. The entire purpose of the website and and the main service, product, or content it offers should be present in the title tag, url, content of page and image alt text. All of these elements together comprise a website that is properly optimized on site.

Offering quality to your visitors

The main purpose of any content being created on your website should be to create content that provides answers to people’s questions or generally helps them solve a problem. If you offer quality, Google will rank your website higher, you will get more visitors, and those visitors are more likely to share your website to the world. This is the goal of any website, to be highly ranked and to get the most visitors possible. This does not happen over night. It happens by hiring the right team for the job, a team that can provide a unique strategy and deliver high quality results. Too often, Seo Montreal can be hard to come by. Company’s can claim to provide results yet cannot deliver when the time comes. Boost One Seo is realistic from the very beginning, and we tell you which keywords and phrases you should be targeting to get started. Like with any successful marketing campaign, the right budget must be allocated to achieve the right results. It is unrealistic to expect drastic results if the budget is there, which is why we like to give all of our clients a few options with a few different price points before we get started. This way, businesses know what to expect, and in how long to expect it.

Get a Free Assessment

Before getting started, we will first conduct an analysis of your website and it’s competition. We do this in order to accurately determine, which keywords would help your business, and how long it would take to rank for these keywords or phrases. Of course, much like anything else in the world, the time that it takes to achieve results goes hand in hand with how much competition there is out there. If you are in an industry that is flooded like competition like the Customs industry or the moving industry, it typically takes more time to get ranked than if you were in the dog walking business. The advantages are that once you do get ranked for these keywords, your business can grow astronomically and it really adds to your bottom line. If you are looking for Seo Montreal be sure to get your free Seo assessment and we will get started on your game plan immediately.

Monthly Work and Progress Reports

It is not simply enough to just do the work, our policy is to also keep the client informed along the way so that you can a) see what we’ve been doing 2) track the progress of the keywords we are targeting. Each and every month we will send you full work reports explaining in detail what links we have built and where you could see them. You will also see what on page work we have done, whether it’s posting on your blog, or properly configuring your on page Seo. We will also provide monthly reports on ranking progress, where we will show you where you were ranked at the beginning of the cycle compare to the end. Watch month by month as your organic search engine rankings increase, and you get more visitors and leads to your website. Boost One is changing the way Seo Montreal is being done and paving the way for results driven marketing. It’s out with the old and in with the new when it comes to any Montreal Seo Company. Google has changed it’s algorithm and the way it reads websites several times over the last couple of years, so anyone using those old tactics are simply being left in the dust, while anyone using the new form of Seo, which is all about quality, is ranking on the top of search engine results at will. Be a part of a winning team, be a part of Boost One, and make sure that the right company is taking care of your company’s website. Get a free assessment or contact us today to find out more about our custom online marketing strategies and about how we can help your business thrive!

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BoostOne December 20, 2013 0 Comments