The Best Ways to Learn SEO | BoostOne SEO

The Best Ways to Learn SEO


When it comes to learning SEO, there are many different ways you can benefit from the Internet. Below are some of the best ways to learn SEO.

Internet sources

The Internet is full of information. You can easily learn how to create an SEO strategy by searching in any search engine. In addition to blog posts and useful info graphics, you will also find e-books and tutorials that will give you very useful content in terms of SEO. You can even learn to develop this strategy using videos and online tutorials.

However, even if you find a lot of information online about SEO, this does not mean that everything is relevant. We have prepared a list of some of the best sources of information that address this issue. This list contains a number of relevant blogs, guides, articles, videos and tools to help you learn everything there is to know.

Attend seminars and webinars

The creation and implementation of an SEO strategy is not a subject you can study at school since it is a new and emerging issue, you will get valuable knowledge by attending seminars or webinars. These meetings are a great way to teach SEO professionals who will share their experiences, tips and tricks to be able to become an SEO expert.

In addition to having the opportunity to learn new techniques, these seminars and webinars also represent an opportunity to meet protagonists in the world of SEO. This way, it will be possible to exchange experiences and knowledge, as well as communicate with people who are facing the same problems and challenges as you do.

Attend a course

There are numerous courses focused on SEO strategies that will be of great help during your learning process. They are different depending on the level of knowledge required, and depending on the issues and expected results, when the course in question ends. They also differ in costs.

You can choose to attend a group course in an educational institution dedicated to teaching technology in the computer field, or taking private lessons. There is also the option of attending online courses. The great advantage of online courses is that you can attend no matter what your place of residence is. Some of these courses are free, but some others find it necessary to make a payment.

The development of the Internet and social networks has allowed people to connect to each other very easily, no matter what their location is. This will help you become aware of new trends in a convenient way without leaving your office. Use the Internet to follow relevant blogs, to keep up to date with outstanding people in the social media field, both Twitter and Facebook. Join LinkedIn to stay in touch with other professionals. Tracking online activity will help you be familiar with any changes that may occur.

Call for help

Rear view of businesswoman in office worried about loss of profits

Learn how to carry out your SEO strategy with help. Join a discussion on social media and ask the questions you have in mind. SEO is a skill that requires continuous development, and one must be aware of new trends. It is completely normal that you find certain aspects difficult to understand or apply. Therefore, do not hesitate to seek help from seo professionals.

Start with the basics

As with any other subject that you start learning, developing proper SEO skills requires starting from skratch and sometimes everything you thought the web was about. You must start with the simplest terminology and some basic tutorials and guides, in order to understand the essence of an SEO strategy. Basics like on-page SEO and local SEO are a good place to start. Once you are familiar with the basics, you can proceed to delve into other aspects. Revise percentages and major events like the recent Google Pigeon update, and this will help you see how SEO has evolved over time. It is also important to distinguish two important aspects of search engine optimization: white hat and black hat.


Technology is always changing and evolving and this rule also applies to any singular aspec of SEO, as it will always be susceptible to constant modification. Therefore, it is important to stay current with the latest updates on the subject, as they can have a big impact on the success of your SEO strategy. This means you never cease to learn, and you have to be aware of new trends and changes, so that you can avoid using past strategies that are old fashioned and outdated.

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